US-China Foreign Language and Sino-US English Teaching 

US-China Foreign Language (ISSN1539-8080) and Sino-US English Teaching (ISSN1539-8072 have been indexed in CiteFactor (USA), Scientific Indexing Services and Electronic Journals Library (EZB) recently.

The papers published in two journals can be indexed in following databases:

ProQuest Research Library, UK 

 OCLC (Online Computer Library Center,Inc.), USA

 LLBA database of CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts), USA

 Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory

 Chinese Database of CEPS, Airiti Inc., Taiwan

 Chinese Scientific Journals Database, VIP Corporation, Chongqing, P.R.C.

 Universe Digital Library S/B, Malaysia  

 Summon Serials Solutions

 Google Scholar


 Academic Keys

 CiteFactor (USA)

 Electronic Journals Library (EZB)

 Sjournals Index

 Scientific Indexing Services

If you want to find additional information about the journals and the company you can visit the company’s website:

The information is prepared by the Editorial Office of US-China Foreign Language and it was placed at Rhetoric and Communciations E-Journal disposal.

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