проф. дфн. Ольга Ильинична Брусиловска

Olga Brusylovska, Prof. (2012), Dr (Political Science, 2008). She has been working at Odessa Mechnikov National University (ONU) since 1991; Chair of the International Relations Department since 2015. She defended her Doctoral Thesis (specialisation – Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development) at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Kyiv), on the topic of “Political-Systemic Transformation in the Region of Eastern Europe (1989–2004)”. She is the author of more than 80 academic publications, including the monograph “Post-communist Eastern Europe: External Impact, Internal Changes” (Odesa, 2008); the revised and enlarged edition of “Systemic Transformation of the Region of Eastern Europe (1989-2004)” (Saarbrücken, 2016). She is the Scientific Editor of the academic journal “International and Political Studies” (“Mizhnarodni ta politychni doslidzhennia”, Odesa, Ukraine), member of the Editorial Board of the academic journals: “Politology Bulletin” (Kyiv, Ukraine), “Political Life” (Vinnytsia, Ukraine), “Transformations” (Warsaw, Poland), and the electronic academic journal “Rhetoric and Communication” (Sofia, Bulgaria); member of the Reviewers’ Board of the academic journal “Strategic Review” (Poznan, Poland).

E-mail: brusylovska@onu.edu.ua

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