Представяне на авторите – Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“ Брой 50, Януари 2022 г.

Специален брой ̶ Реторика на другостта

Rhetoric and Communications Journal

Issue 50, January 2022

Special Issue ̶ Rhetoric of Otherness

Думи на водещите

Editors’ Words

Andrea Valente, PhD, York University, Canada

Andrea C. Valente, PhD, is Course Director at York University, Canada, with a focus on teaching rhetoric and composition, Canadian culture, and social studies to ESL undergraduates. She is an Applied Linguist and her main research is on rhetoric studies and on foreign language learning and teaching in higher education. Her doctoral project brought together the humanities and neurosciences with the title, “The Vernacularization of the Neurosciences: A Case Study of Neuro-Autobiographies in the Age of Complexity”. Her research interests are in the fields of Academic Writing, Discourse Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Applied Linguistics. Some recent publications: Resilience and Well-Being Among International Students During Acculturation Process: Blogging Without Borders (2018), Online Advertisements of Personal Brain Wearables in the Everyday: Click Here, Learn More! (2017), Shaking, Spinning and Entangling under Complexity Theories: A Case Study in Digital Autobiographies (2017). E-mail: valentac@yorku.ca

Paola Giorgis, PhD, Italy

Paola Giorgis holds a BA and MA in English and North-American Literature and Studies and a PhD in Anthropology of Education and Intercultural Education. She has also had training in Critical Socio-linguistics and in the rhetorical strategies of persuasion and manipulation in contemporary public debates. Her main interest regards a critical, intercultural and interdisciplinary approach to (foreign) languages able to develop an awareness on how words are used and mobilized in education and public discourse, and how they can both serve processes of manipulation and domination, as well as of empowerment and emancipation. She has published two monographs, several articles, chapters in collective works and has participated to many international conferences. She is co-founder and member of wom.an.ed (women’s studies in anthropology and education), and is affiliated to several international associations of Linguistics and Intercultural Studies. Her most recent publication (2018) is Meeting Foreignness. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Education as Critical and Intercultural Experiences. Boulder CO, New York NY: Lexington, Rowman & Littlefield. She teaches English, Literature and Visual Arts. Email: paola.giorgis@womaned.org

Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Tsvetkova, PhD, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Nikolina Tsvetkova is an Associate Professor at the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She currently teaches Intercultural communication, Project Terminology, and ESP to bachelor and master students at Sofia University, Faculty of Philosophy. She holds a PhD in Education (Methodology of teaching English). Her research interests include intercultural communication, Internet communication, social networks and applied linguistics. She has been involved in teaching English and teacher training for more than 25 years now. She has authored course books for teaching English at the primary, lower and upper secondary in Bulgaria as well as a number of research papers, book chapters and a monograph in in the field of intercultural communication, digital academic communication and applied linguistics. Among these are English for Communication at EU Institutions: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (2018) and articles published in prestigious journals. Email: ntsvetkova@phls.uni-sofia.bg

Другостта: дискурси, етикети и стереотипи

Otherness: Discourses, Labels and Stereotypes

Who is the Other? ̶ Paola Georgis

Paola Giorgis holds a BA and MA in English and North-American Literature and Studies and a PhD in Anthropology of Education and Intercultural Education. She has also had training in Critical Socio-linguistics and in the rhetorical strategies of persuasion and manipulation in contemporary public debates. Her main interest regards a critical, intercultural and interdisciplinary approach to (foreign) languages able to develop an awareness on how words are used and mobilized in education and public discourse, and how they can both serve processes of manipulation and domination, as well as of empowerment and emancipation. She has published two monographs, several articles, chapters in collective works and has participated to many international conferences. She is co-founder and member of wom.an.ed (women’s studies in anthropology and education), and is affiliated to several international associations of Linguistics and Intercultural Studies. Her most recent publication (2018) is Meeting Foreignness. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Education as Critical and Intercultural Experiences. Boulder CO, New York NY: Lexington, Rowman & Littlefield. She teaches English, Literature and Visual Arts. Email: paola.giorgis@womaned.org

Andrea Valente, PhD, York University, Canada

Andrea C. Valente, PhD, is Course Director at York University, Canada, with a focus on teaching rhetoric and composition, Canadian culture, and social studies to ESL undergraduates. She is an Applied Linguist and her main research is on rhetoric studies and on foreign language learning and teaching in higher education. Her doctoral project brought together the humanities and neurosciences with the title, “The Vernacularization of the Neurosciences: A Case Study of Neuro-Autobiographies in the Age of Complexity”. Her research interests are in the fields of Academic Writing, Discourse Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Applied Linguistics. Some recent publications: Resilience and Well-Being Among International Students During Acculturation Process: Blogging Without Borders (2018), Online Advertisements of Personal Brain Wearables in the Everyday: Click Here, Learn More! (2017), Shaking, Spinning and Entangling under Complexity Theories: A Case Study in Digital Autobiographies (2017). E-mail: valentac@yorku.ca

Другостта: медии и виртуална среда

Otherness: Media and Virtual Environments

Becoming a Non-Other. Emigrant Narratives as an Integration Strategy ̶ Diana Vargolomova

Dr. Diana Vargolomova is a Senior assistant professor at the Faculty of Classical and New Philologies, majoring in Italian Philology. She is the author of a monograph entitled “Digito Ergo Sum. A Linguistic and Anthropological Look at the Language of Italian Immigrant Blogs and Blog Writing as a Social Practice” (2020), University Press of St. Petersburg. Sofia. He is also the author of 14 scholarly articles in various publications. Her research interests focus on linguistics and anthropology, with special attention to language as a complex system, non-literary writing practices and multimodality. Email d.vargolomova@uni-sofia.bg

Виртуален матриархат: онлайн общности на български жени ̶ Ели Александрова

Ели Александрова е доктор по Обществени комуникации и информационни науки към Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. Темата на дисертацията ѝ е „Женски джендър роли в българското интернет пространство: маркетингови и културни модели“. Бакалавър по Връзки с обществеността. Магистър по Реторика. Научните ѝ интереси и публикации са в областите интернет култура, социални мрежи и онлайн комуникация, дигитален маркетинг, социални изследвания на пола. Имейл: alexandrova.eli@gmail.com

Другостта: литература и комуникация

Otherness: Literature and Communication

Self-Othering and Redemptive Narratives in Literature and the Arts ̶ Gabriela Ioana Mocan

Dr. Gabriela Mocan is an Assistant Professor in English for Business and Intercultural Communication at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Romania. She graduated with a Bachelors degree in English & Norwegian Language and Literature and a Masters degree in American Studies, before completing her PhD in Cultural Studies/ Philology with the same Babeș-Bolyai University. Dr. Mocan’s PhD thesis is titled “The Issue of Identity in Intercultural Communication” and her research interests include identity studies and intercultural communication, cultural influences in language proficiency, translation studies, discourse analysis, narrativity, world literatures and travel writing, cultural management and diplomacy. E-mail: mocan.gabriela@gmail.com

Modernity and Otherness: Based on Works of Bulgarian and Korean Literature ̶ Lyudmila Atanasova

Lyudmila Atanasova is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Greek and Bulgarian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea, where she teaches Bulgarian language, literature, cinema and culture. She has completed the coursework in the Ph.D. programme in Contemporary Korean Literature at Seoul National University and is currently working on her doctoral dissertation. Her research interests are in the area of Critical Theory, Identity Studies, Comparative Literary Studies, Korean Literature and Bulgarian Literature. She is also the translator of a number of works of Korean literature into Bulgarian. Email: ludmila_bg@hanmail.net

Различни научни гледни точки за границите на конструкта „тяло“ ̶ Радея Гешева

Радея Гешева е асистент в катедра „Романистика“ към Факултета по класически и нови филологии в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. Води курсовете „Превод от италиански на български език“, „Превод от български на италиански език“, „Устен превод“, „Памет и култура в италианската литература на 20. век“. Научните ѝ интереси са в областите италиански език, превод на художествена литература, семиотика, реторика, комуникации и теория на литературата. Темата на нейната дисертация е „Език и памет в проекта Ecriture féminine: романите на Наталия Гинзбург, Дача Мараини и Елена Феранте“. Автор е на повече от 10 научни статии и доклади, като резултатите от изследванията са представени на национални и международни конференции в България, Италия, Румъния, Северна Македония, САЩ и Русия. Имейл:  rgesheva@uni-sofia.bg.

Другостта: комуникация, политика, психология

Otherness: Communication, Politics and Phycology

Другият в политиката – ценност и деформации ̶ Татяна Буруджиева

Татяна Буруджиева е доцент, д-р, преподавател към катедра „Политология“, Философски факултет, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Тя е политолог; има специализации по политически комуникации и политически мениджмънт във Франция и Белгия. Била е народен представител. Научните й интереси са в областта на политологията, политическата реклама, политическия маркетинг, предизборната комуникация. Имейл: burudzhiev@phls.uni-sofia.bg

Проблемът на другостта през перспективата на психологията ̶ Антонина Кардашева

Д-р Антонина Николова Кардашева е хоноруван преподавател в Нов български университет. Професионалните й интереси са в областите: бизнес комуникация, индивидуален и групов коучинг, организационна диагностика, консултиране, иновативни стратегии за развитие и обучения. Тя е „доктор на науките”. Д-р Антонина Кардашева е автор на монографиите „Психология за родители” и „За емоционалната интелигентност и индивидуалните различия на българите”. Д-р Кардашева стандартизира и адаптира за България различни методи за групова и индивидуална психодиагностика. Д-р Антонина Кардашева е Управляващ директор на Фондация за развитие на емоционалната интелигентност. Имейл: an.kardasheva@gmail.com

Другостта: докторантски дебюти

Otherness: Doctoral Debuts / PhD Debutes

Езиково разнообразие и особености на езиковата политика в Молдова ̶ Екатерина Станова

Екатерина Станова е докторант в катедра Европеистика, Философски факултет, Софийски университет. Тя е преподавател по немски език в средно училище в Молдова. Темата на дисертацията й е свързана с езиковите политики и езиковото разнообразие в Молдова. Имейл: muzika147@mail.ru

Трансформация от политическия към медийния дискурс дискурс в България: нови думи и експресивни словосъчетания ̶ Ирина Гъркова

Ирина Гъркова е докторант във Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Магистър по специалност „Българска филология” във Факултета по славянски филологии на Софийския университет. Темата на дисертационния й труд е свързана с взаимните влияния на политическия и медийния дискурс в България (тоталитарни и посттоталитарни речеви практики). Имейл: irinagrekov@abv.bg

Брой 50 на сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, януари 2022 г. се издава с финансовата помощ на Фонд научни изследвания, договор № КП-06-НП3/75 от 18 декември 2021 г.

Issue 50 of the Rhetoric and Communications Journal (January 2022) is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund, Contract No. KP-06-NP3/75 of December 18, 2021.