Dr. A.W.M. Koetsenruijter is a lecturer at Humanities Faculty, Leiden University, The Netherlands (Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics, LUCL Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media). His research interests are in the fields of rhetoric, visual rhetoric, media communication, online media, argumentation. Co-author of “Visual Language: Perspectives for Both Markers and Users” (2012). Publications: Ethos under construction: The role Switches of Victims and Offenders in News Stories (2013); Using Numbers in News Increases Story Credibility (2011); Bending opinion. Essays on persuasion in the public domain (2011); Rhetoric in society. Papers second conference (CD). Leiden: Rhetoric in Society. The author of the chapter of the book ‘How numbers make news reliable’. (183-205, In: Dam L., Holmgreen L., Strunck J. (Eds.) Rhetorical aspects of discourses in present-day society. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008); Academic Debate en stock issues als instrumenten voor analyse en beoordeling van inspraak (2007); Koetsenruijter A.W.M. (8 April 1993), Meningsverschillen. Analytisch en empirisch onderzoek naar de reconstructie en interpretatie van de confrontatiefase in discussies (PhD thesis). Amsterdam: IFOTT. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Eemeren F.H. van, Meuffels B.