Представяне на авторите на статии Сп. „Реторика и комуникации”, брой 37, ноември 2018 г.

Водещи броя

Проф. д-р Мария Стойчева – функционален заместник-ректор на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски, Jeanne Monnet Chair. Имейл: stojchevap@phls.uni-sofia.bg

Гл. ас. д-р Николина Цветкова – СУ „Св. Климент Охридски, Философски факултет, катедра „Европеистика. Имейл: ntsvetkova@phls.uni-sofia.bg


Проф. д-р Мария Стойчева

Мария Стойчева е функционален заместник-ректор на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски, Jeanne Monnet Chair и ръководител на магистърска програма „Европейски проекти“, катедра „Европеистика“, Философски факултет. Имейл: stojchevap@phls.unisofia.bg

Реторични и филологически изследвания и дигитализация

Alisa J. TigchelaarSor Juana Inés de la Cruzs The Answer: “WordsBeyond Silence? or Juana Inés de la Cruzs The Answer: “Words” Beyond Silence?

Alisa J. Tigchelaar is an associate professor at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. She is affiliated with the Department of Spanish. Her research interests include the writing females of the Early Modern Hispanic world, most of whom were religious (nuns), and she has published and presented on various figures and aspects of female religious life in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As this article does centrally, most of her work showcases somehow the ways in which nuns leveraged their role as writers and knowledge of practical Christian doctrine to wield social influence. In her (undergraduate) teaching work, Professor Tigchelaar features the same nuns to exemplify earlier influential females and the importance of learning from history. Her interest in the power of words (rhetoric) contributes to her passion for teaching the Spanish language through literary studies, history and contemporary culture. E-mail: atigchel@calvin.edu

Spas Rangelov – Bulgarian verbs of perception: aspect and situation types

Spas Rangelov is an Assistant Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea. He has an MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Sofia, and an MA and a PhD from SOAS, University of London. His PhD dissertation is on Korean linguistics. Previously he has taught subjects related to Japanese Studies and Korean Studies at the University of Sofia, the University of Plovdiv, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. His interests include theoretical linguistics, especially functionalism and typology, Bulgarian language, Slavic and Balkan languages, East Asian languages and cultures. E-mail: rangelovsa@yahoo.com

Mouna Abou Assali – Challenges and learning opportunities: The pre-service teachers’ perceptions of integrating a digital story project into a literacy course

Mouna Abou Assali is Faculty at Mohammed V University – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. She obtains an (EdD), the University of Exeter, UK and a MEd in ELT, the University of Sheffield, UK. Her research interest and areas of expertise include: educational leadership, educational technology, teacher professional growth, teachers’ and students’ emotions and positive psychology. She has published several papers in language education and professional development journals. Email: mouna.abouassali@um5a.ac.ae

Европейски изследвания, европейска идентичност, мултикурурализъм

Надя Бирежакли – Процесът на идентификация с Европейския съюз – предпоставки и ограничения

Надя Бирежакли е докторант в катедра „Европеистика“, Философски факултет, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Научните й интереси са в областта на европейската интеграция, европейската идентичност и идентификация и политики на ЕС. Имейл: nadia_birezhakli@abv.bg

Hayann Lee – Кorean multicultural family educational perspectives

Hayann Lee is PhD and the topic of her dissertation is Политика на многоезичие и мултикултурализъм в Европа: сравнение с Корея Multilingualism and multiculturalism policy in Europe: comparison with Korea … She is a lecturer at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea. Hayann Lee is the author of 6 articles. Her scientific interests are in the fields: European studies, multiculturalism and language education. She was PhD student at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of European Studies. E-mail: bulgariyann@gmail.com.

Lilia Raycheva (Лилия Райчева) – Debating populism vs democracy in the Bulgarian media ecosystem

Prof. Dr. Lilia Raycheva is lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University, Bulgaria. She has been publishing extensively. She has successfully participated in a number of international projects on various mass media issues. Her research interests are focused in the area of media ecosystems, political communication, media literacy, audio-visual production. Email: lraycheva@yahoo.com

Езиково обучение и междукултурна комуникативна компетентност

Wang Xiaohai – On the role of native culture in intercultural communication and foreign language teaching

Prof. WANG Xiaohai has been an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair since 2017, Jean Monnet Teaching Module holder (2011-2014) and an MA supervisor for MA students majoring in European Studies and Intercultural Communication at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, P. R. China. His research focuses on Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, European studies and cultural studies on European Integration. Email: ccwxyz@hotmail.com

Maria Metodieva Genova – Communicating between cultures: practical suggestions for acquiring cultural intelligence in C2 through literature and digital technology

Maria Genova is a Teacher-in-Chief at 2ELS “Thomas Jefferson”, Sofia, with thirty years of teaching experience. She acquired the I Professional Qualification Level in English at the Department for Information and In-service Training of Teachers in 2003. She has presented at IAFEFL, NELLE, ELTECS, E-Teacher Professional Development and E-learning Conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. Since 1995 she has taken part in projects run by the British Council, the Pestalozzi Programme and the Ministry of Education. A co-author of the Е4Y Workbooks, test and exam designer for 8th – 10th grade, she has also been involved in the adaptation of course books for the 8th, the 9th and the 10th grade under the new syllabus. She is currently developing her PhD thesis in the field of modern language education. Email: maria_metodievabg@yahoo.com

Кирилка Станкова – Използване на метода ИИУПЧЕза повишаване на мотивацията на учениците при изучаването на чужд език

Кирилка Станкова е старши учител по английски език в СУ „Христо Ботев“, Горна Малина, Софийска област. Прилага иновативни методи в предоването, има Втора професионално-квалификационна степен и се подготвя за придобиването на Първа. Имейл: gcsp@abv.bg

Научни събития

Pan-Hellenic Conference on Rhetoric: The art of speech in the praxis of didactic: Searching for modern aspects of rhetorical paedeia” (9-10 of February, 2019)

Представяне на авторите

Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 37, ноември 2018 г.