Special issue – papers of 4th ESTIDIA conference “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication”
Prof. Ivanka Mavrodieva, Prof. Yovka Tisheva, Assist. Prof. Nikolina Tsvetkova
Three consecutive issues of the Rhetoric and Communications E-journal (issue 33, issue 34, issue 35) will include papers from the 4th ESTIDIA conference “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication”. ESTIDIA, the Institute of Rhetoric and Communications and the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” are organisers of the international scientific event.
The 4th ESTIDIA conference “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication” was held on 29 – 30 September 2017 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
More than 100 representatives of universities from 25 countries took part in the conference. They delivered papers in 10 sections and 5 workshops.
The papers were selected, reviewed and edited by members of the Scientific Committee of the 4th ESTIDIA conference, members of the Editorial Board of Rhetoric and Communications E-journal and experts from the fields of rhetoric, linguistic, media, communication, etc.
Issue 35, July 2018 includes 10 papers in the following sections:
- Rhetoric: traditional and new manifestations
Communication and Education
Strategic and Business Communication
- Intercultural Communication and International Branding
The authors are:
well-known scientists from foreign universities and research centers among whom:
Fotini Egglezu – The rhetorical ‘paedeia’ in modern educational settings: From theory to praxis… again
Samuel Mateus – Madeira University (Portugal) – Psychagogia and the Rhetoric of Desire and Affect
Kathy O’Sullivan – President, Global Partnerships at United Business – English-medium instruction at university in China – student perceptions
lecturers and researchers from Bulgarian Universities:
– Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski;
– St. St. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo;
– European Polytechnic University;
– “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse;
– University of National and World Economy.
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 35, юли 2018 г., http://rhetoric.bg/
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 35, July 2018, http://journal.rhetoric.bg/
Special Issue – “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication”, 29 – 30 September 2017, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria