Issue 4, 2012. April  


Editors’ Foreword


Communication and Education

Todor Shopov – Intercomprehension Analysis

Todor Shopov is a linguist and a pedagogue; he is one of the leading European specialists in Intercomprehension Analysis, a founder of REDINTER, the European organization for research on intercomprehension and a member of the scientific commission of its new journal, “Intercompreensao”. He is chair of English language teaching methodology and early language learning at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. He teaches methodology at the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. He is head of the language centre of the IBS private university. For more than 20 years, he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal “Language Teaching”. He works in the area of quality assurance in higher education. He is the vice-president of CEENQA, the European association for accreditation. He is married and has two children. He lives in Sofia. E-mail:

Yoana Yankulova – Specific manifestations of stereotypes in the process of interpersonal communication

Yoana Yankulova – Yoanna Yankulova, Associate Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Head of Department of Social, Labor and Pedagogical Psychology at the Philosophical Faculty of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She is a lecturer on “Pedagogical Psychology”“ (BA) and “Team Building and Group Efficiency” (MA) at Sofia University. She has extensive practical experience gained from conducting social-psychological trainings with different thematic focus with specialists in the sphere of education, the judiciary and organizational practice. E-mail:

Donka Petrova – Specific manifestations of stereotypes in the process of interpersonal communication

Donka Petrova is a PhD student and part-time lectuer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. E-mail:

Maria Stoicheva, Ivanka Mavrodieva and Nikolina Tsvetkova – Social Media and Social Networks – What’s in for Tertiary Education

Maria Stoicheva – Dr. Maria Stoicheva is Associate Professor at the Department of European Studies. Prior to that, she taught at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology. She is the Director of the Master’s Programme “European Projects” at the Department of European Studies since its beginning. Maria Stoicheva is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University in charge of research, international relations and projects. E-mail:

Ivanka Mavrodieva, PhD and Dr. Hab., is a lecturer on rhetoric, business communication, public relations and academic writing at Sofia University. The topic of her PhD dissertation is ‘Parliamentary Rhetoric’. She is an author of 10 books presenting scientific information in new and traditional spheres recovered by the researcher: “Parliamentary Rhetoric in Bulgaria” (2001), „Job Selection Interview” (2002), „How to Present Effectively?” (2007), „Virtual Rhetoric: from Journals to Online Social Media” (2010), „Academic Writing” (2005); „Academic Communication” (2010) – co-author is Yovka Tisheva. She is a lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. E-mail:

Nikolina Tsvetkova is a lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of European Studies (Intercultural communication, English for special purposes). E-mail:

Ivo Piperkov – Educational projects for learners and teaching strategies for analyzing social media (from the perspective of human rights)

Ivo Piperkov is a lecturer in information technologies in Faculty of journalism and mass communication, Sofia University “St. KL. Ohridski” – senior assistant, engineer, journalist, pedagogue.  New technologies in mass media, using information and communication technologies in education are his scientific interests. His last works are connected with using social media in PR, problems of interactivity and interactive advertising.  Piperkov is author of many articles for multimedia structuring and adding different information resources for education. He takes part in many different international and national educational projects. E-mail:

Ekaterina Sofronieva – Empathy and Communication

Ekaterina Sofronieva is a lecturer in Faculty of Anacin and Modern Philology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (English Language). E-mail:

Communication, Media and Policies

Stoitsova, Tolya.,  Pollio, R. Haward and Pollio, Marilyn – „Then and Now: Reflections and Implications in concern of 9/11”

Tolya Stoitsova is a full Professor in Social Psychology and Media Studies at the New Bulgarian University, Department of Mass Communication. She is also a director of an international Master’s program in International Communication, NBU. She received her Master’s degrees in Psychology and English Philology from Sofia University „St. Kl. Ohridski”. Her PhD in non-verbal communication as well as her Dr. Sc. in mass media studies were successfully defended at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology. Her fields of specialization include verbal and non-verbal communication, mass communication, and international communication, phenomenological approaches to psychology, media violence, media literacy, media education, and cyber bullying. She has published 6 books the last one of which is “Life and Death in a Time of Terror” in an author team with American psychologists and more than 130 journal articles and conference talks. She has directed 7 doctoral dissertations and many students’ thesis. Prof. Stoitsova won a Fulbright scholarship in advance mass media research in 2008-2009 at California University in Santa Barbara. For 10 years she has been editor in chief of one of the two Bulgarian journals in psychology. She is a fellow of the Bulgarian Psychological Association and of the European Public Relation Education and Research Association, as well as a National Bologna Expert in Higher Education. New Bulgarian University. E-mail:

Assia Assenova – Bioethics and gender in the case of in vitro fertilization in Bulgaria

Assia Assenova is a lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. E-mail:

Communication, Marketing and Business

Maria Sivenkova – Storytelling in Marketing: On some initiating events in stories of companies, products and brands

Maria Sivenkova is an assistant professor at the Department of Communication Studies, Minsk State Linguistic University.  After defending her PhD thesis in 2006, she has been teaching linguistic pragmatics, organizational communication, English for specific purposes (international tourism and economics), as well as supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research.  Her scientific interests lie in the fields of cross-cultural pragmatics and discourse analysis. In particular, she investigates the functioning of metapragmatic moves in political text and dialogue of various genres, such as parliamentary debates, political interviews, politicians’ blog posts. E-mail:

Vance Bojkov – Engineers and Oral Business Communication

Vanche Bojkov is PhD, he is a lecturer at University of Niš. His scientific interests are in the fields of mass communications, deontology of media, public relations and business communication. He has been worked as a teacher; he has a long experience as a journalist and as an editor of newspaper and he was the executive director of the news broadcasting in Bulgarians in Radio ‘Niš’. Now he is a correspondent of the Information Agency of the Republics Serbia and Bosnia named SRNA. D-r Bojkov is an author of the books “Media and an Education of Bulgarians in Serbia”, “How to ‘Read’ a Television?”. He is a complier and a translator of the bilingual collection in Bulgarian and Serbian “The Child and the Media”. D-r Bojkov has written dozens scientific articles. E-mail:

Plamen Pavlov – Hyperlocal communication as a function of globalization

Plamen Pavlov has a doctor’s degree in sociology, political sciences and philosophy of science. His PhD thesis is “Cultural and communication aspects of the interactive advertising”. His field of work is the integrated communication in a virtual environment. Like an author and researcher his topics are online journalism, online PR and online marketing. Plamen Pavlov is a consultant and lecturer in the field of the internet communication and online information systems. He is a lecturer at the New Bulgarian University and many other universities and colleges. Pavlov owns the consulting company for a new communication “Interactivity”. He is an author of  the book  „Online Journalism“ (2010). E-mail:

Communication and Languages

Ellie Boyadzhieva, Irena Vassileva – On Some Recent Tendencies Toward Analyticity in Modern Bulgarian

Ellie Boyadzhieva is a lecturer on English at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. E-mail:

Irena Vassileva is a lecturer on English at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. E-mail:

Mariya Bagasheva-Koleva – Emotive tools in target audienceoriented translation

Mariya Bagasheva-Koleva is a lecturer on English at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. E-mail:

Yana Manova–Georgieva – Socio-Cultural Aspects of Name Transformation In Translation

Yana Manova–Georgieva is a lecturer on English at South-West University “Neofit Rilski”. E-mail:


Gergana Apostolova – A Rhetoric of Meanings: provoking some questions on the outlines of translated existence in textual frames of discourse

PHD in Logic and Rhetoric: Theory of Argumentation. Lecturer of Persuasive Discourse, English and the Internet; Philosophy of Language, English and American Cultural Studies, Rhetoric and Rhetorical Analysis, Stylistics, 20th Century British Literature, American Literature, Children’s Literature and Theory of Translation in the major courses of English studies and Applied Linguistics of the South Western University – Blagoevgrad. Author of 11 books and more than 30 articles on rhetoric, argumentation, methodology of ELT, English literature, cultural studies and philosophy of Internet. Basic achievements: development of a systematic study of intercultural rhetoric and an integrated approach to English language learning based on the Theory of Argumentation; development of a systematic integrated approach to the Internet (SIAN) as a philosophy of e-space and e-humanity. E-mail:

Ivanka Mavrodieva – Rhetorical features of academic presentations

Ivanka Mavrodieva – Ivanka Mavrodieva, PhD, Assos. Prof., is a lecturer on rhetoric, business communication, public relations and academic writing at Sofia University. The topic of her PhD dissertation is ‘Parliamentary Rhetoric’. She is an author of 10 books presenting scientific information in new and traditional spheres recovered by the researcher: “Parliamentary Rhetoric in Bulgaria” (2001), „Job Selection Interview” (2002), „How to Present Effectively?” (2007), „Virtual Rhetoric: from Journals to Online Social Media” (2010), „Academic Writing” (2005); „Academic Communication” (2010) – co-author is Yovka Tisheva. She is a lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. E-mail:

Ivan Cvetanovic – The Listening Skills and Their Influence on Public Speaking Style in the Age of Mass Media

Ivan Cvetanovic is a lecturer at University of Nis, Serbia. He is a lecturer on a rhetoric, stylistic, media communication, theory of communication, electronic media, etc. E-mail:

Velitcko Roumentchev – On the Authenticity of a Speech by Czar Asen II

Velitcko Roumentchev is a professor at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (rhetoric, argumentation, history of oratory, forensic rhetoric, non-verbal communication. He is a manager of the Department of Rhetoric. E-mail:


Yordanka Simeonova – Review

Yordanka Simeonova is a student at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. E-mail: