Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 34, May 2018
Special issue – papers of 4th ESTIDIA conference “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication
Communication, border and boundaries
Mariselda Tessarolo – Communicating through the ‘boundaries’ of a globalized world
Mariselda Tessarolo is Scholar Senior of the Studium Patavinum. She was Full professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes at University of Padua. Her fields of interest concern the communication interpreted from the point of view of symbolic Interactionism. Her main publications include: L’espressione musicale e le sue funzioni [Musical expression and its functions] (1983, Giuffrè); Minoranze linguistiche e immagine della lingua [Linguistic minorities and the image of the language] (1990, FrancoAngeli), La poesia tra individuo e società [Poetry between the individual and society] (2003, Unipress); Moda e comunicazione [Fashion and communication] (Il Poligrafo, 2004); La comunicazione interpersonale [Interpersonal communication] (2007/2013, Laterza). L’arte contemporanea e il suo pubblico [Contemporary art and its public] (2009, FrancoAngeli); Dalla quotidianità alla cerimonia [From everyday life to the ceremony] (FrancoAngeli, 2018).
Email: mariselda.tessarolo@unipd.it
Grzegorz Kowalski – Problem-Solution pattern in Internet presentations of local- and global-target start-ups
Grzegorz Kowalski, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, Poland. His research interests are academic and scientific discourse, corpus linguistics, and critical discourse analysis. He authored a monograph, co-edited 4 volumes of papers and wrote more than 20 research articles. Email: g.kowalski@uw.edu.pl
Svitlana Lyubymova – Stereotype of professional identity in cognitive linguistic aspect
Svitlana Lyubymova holds a PhD (German Languages), she is an Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department, National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine. She is the author of a monograph on cultural and cognitive aspects of American sociocultural stereotype “Flapper” (Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany), and academic articles on language representation of cultural stereotypes and concepts (published in Ukraine, Russia, India and the USA: DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v9n2.04b; DOI: 10.12691/jll-1-1-3).
Email: elurus2006@gmail.com
Language and Communication
Milena Popova – Pragmatic and sociolinguistic approaches to humour in intercultural communication
Prof. Dr. Milena Popova is Vice Dean of Education (Master’s Degree Programmes and PhD Students) at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She is also the head of the joint MA Programme “Semiotics, Language and Advertising” in English with a module in Spanish. Her areas of interest include Syntax, Pragmatics, Language Typology and Universals, Semiotics, and Foreign Language Teaching. She teaches courses on Pragmatics of Humour, Syntax, Communication, Sign Systems and Pragmatics. Her most recent publication is “Pragmatic Aspects of Linguistics and Semiotics: Genesis and Archaeology of Ideas”.
Email: milena_rone@yahoo.com
Nikolina Tsvetkova – Language education for European citizenship
Nikolina Tsvetkova, PhD, has long years of experience as an English language teacher, teacher trainer and course book author. She is currently teaching ESP, intercultural communication and project terminology at the European Studies Department of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She works in the sphere of language teaching, teacher training, intercultural communication and applying ICTs in education and has written a number of papers and publicans on these topics.
Email: ntsvetkova@phals.uni-sofia.bg
Martina Ninova – Means of argumentative strategies in Spanish dialogue
Martina Ninova holds a PhD degree in Syntax from “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University, Bulgria. The topic of her dissertation is “Formal, semantic and pragmatic aspects of causal, final and illative clauses in Spanish” (2016). Since 2011 she has been a part-time lecturer at Sofia University in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs in Spanish and English Philology. Her professional interests are in the field of Syntax, Pragmatics and Semantics.
Email: mtninova@uni-sofia.bg
Penka Hristova – English as a lingua franca for Bulgarian participants in the EU Comenius programme
Penka Hristova, PhD, is a chief assistant professor at the Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ and currently teaches English courses for specific purposes. She holds a BA degree in English and American Studies, an MA degree in European Integration and a PhD degree at the European Studies Department at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The topic of her PhD dissertation is “European Language Policy and European Identity”.
Her academic interests are focused on European and national language policies, plurilingualism and multilingualism, foreign language teaching and European identity.
Email: penka.d.hristova@gmail.com
Media Communication
Viara Angelova – Forming the “Socialist nation” through television (1960-1980) in Bulgaria. TV programs for children
Vyara Angelova is an Associate Professor in Journalism and Head of the“Radio and Television” Department at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication – University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. Her main research interests include history of Radio and Television, media psychology, sound scape.
Email: vjaraaa@uni-sofia.bg
Plamen Atanasov – Rumour, websites, the family and the media and young people’s communication
Plamen Atanasov holds a PhD in Public Communications and Information Sciences (Journalism- Crisis Public Relations). His dissertation was developed at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and defended in 2017. His reseacrh interests are related to the fields of: reputation, crisis communication, persuasion and influence and computer-mediated communication. Additionally, he is the author of scientific articles focusing on the crisis manifestations of trolls, on measuring reputation crises and on the crisis content in online cloud services. He is also a member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria.
Е–mail: atanasovp@abv.bg
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 34, май 2018 г., http://rhetoric.bg/
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 34, May 2018, http://journal.rhetoric.bg/
Special Issue – “Dialogues without borders: strategies of interpersonal and inter-group communication”, 29 – 30 September 2017, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria