Issue 43, April 2020, Rhetoric and Communications Journal Political Communication and Political Rhetoric.

Editors’ Words

Prof. Yovka Tisheva, PhD

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Prof. Marieta Boteva, D. Sc.

St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo”


Rhetoric, political discourse, political communication, media communication as subject areas require specific methods and interdisciplinary research.

Issue 43 includes articles written by scientists from different countries and universities who present research findings in the fields of political communication and rhetoric. Moreover, they are part of research schools and teams and they present research findings on events, phenomena and processes in recent decades in different countries: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Spain (Barcelona), Greece, Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom. Scientists bring phenomena, processes, tendencies into a dynamically evolving context, using modern research methods and approaches.

The issue is indicative of the fact that scientific networks and teams can present research results in scientific publications, grouped around several thematic and problem areas. The authors come from universities from 3 countries: Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria.

The authors share experience and they demonstrate opportunities for expanding the fields of study: critical discourse analysis, media analysis, rhetorical analysis, multivariate analysis; a comparative approach was used.

Olga Brusylovska presents the results of a critical discourse analysis in international relations studies on selected cases of Russia and Ukraine. The political discourse of the Greek parliamentary elections in 2019 on publications in foreign media has been analysed in collaboration by Oksana Snigovska and Andrii Malakhiti. The role of the media during referendums, political campaigns, revolutions, and other processes in society are studied by scientists from different countries and they present the results in their papers: Kateryna Vakarchuk – “The Impact of the Media on the Catalonia Referendum”; Yana Volkova in the paper “Diasporas’ Identity in the Mass Media: Formation of the Turkish Diaspora”; Elena Krezova in her article “The Language of the Media in Czechoslovakia before and after the Velvet Revolution”. Dmytro K. Poble presents a rhetoric study in a new sphere and he shares some research results in his paper “Rhetoric on Service of Russia’s Information Warfare”. Ivanka Mavrodieva presents results of a comparative rhetorical analysis of the speeches of Queen Elizabeth II and King George VI. Rossen K. Stoyanov analyses new manifestations in communication as a result of the influence of the Internet, fake news, post-truth and he summarises his assumptions in the title “The Century of Post-communication”.

Two books containing research results of scientific networks are presented in the issue and this serves as evidence of international collaboration among scientists from different countries and universities:

Prof. Igor Koval from the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University presents the book Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms. Patchworks and Networks at Europe’s Eastern Margins” (Edited by Olga Bogdanova and Andrey Makarychev).

Daniela Irrera discusses the contribution of team research in the review of “Prospects of Development in Politics: Global and Regional Measurements” (Edited by Olga Brusylovska and Igor Koval).

Issue 43 shows new trends in research, good practices and teamwork, scientific networks and results in the fields of political communication, political discourse and political rhetoric.

Брой 43 на сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, април 2020 г. се издава с финансовата помощ на Фонд научни изследвания, договор № КП-06-НП1/39 от 18 декември 2019 г.

The issue 43 of the Rhetoric and Communications Journal (April 2020) is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund, Contract No. KP-06-NP1/39 of December 18, 2019.