María Calzada-Pérez

María CalzadaPérez is Full Professor of Translation Studies at the Universitat Jaume I, Valencia, Spain. Her research focuses on corpus-based translation studies, institutional translation (especially translation at the European Parliament), ideology, and advertising. She is Principal Coordinator of the ECPC (European Comparable and Parallel Corpora of Parliamentary Speeches) research group. She has produced books such as Transitivity in Translating: The Interdependence of Texture and Context. Bern: Peter Lang (2007); El espejo traductológico. Teorías y didácticas para la formación del traductor. Barcelona: Octaedro (2007). Among her recent papers: Visual Rhetorical Figures in Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: The Impact of Moderating Factors in a Spanish Language Context, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising online (2017); The Impact of Symbolic Culture on the Understanding of Visual Figuration”, Journal of Intercultural Communication, 44, online (2017). She is also editor of volumes such as: Apropos of Ideology. Manchester: St. Jerome (2003).
