Prof. dr. Jaap de Jong

Prof. dr. Jaap de Jong is professor of Journalism and New Media at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University (The Netherlands). He lectures in rhetoric, style in politics and in journalism. As a researcher he wrote books and articles on the exordium and the peroration of (political) speeches and of stylistical and rhetorical aspects of journalism.

He has been 24 years editor of leading Dutch language journal Onze Taal. He is (co-)author of books as De eerste minuten: Attentum, benevolum en docilem parare in de inleiding van toespraken (2004), Handboek Stijl (2009), Bending opinion, Essays on Persuasion in the Public Domain (2010) Visual Language, Perspectives for both Makers and Users (2012), Pics or it did not happen (2012), Spreken als Max Havelaar (2012), Beïnvloeden met emoties: Pathos en retorica (2015) and Vertrouw mij! Manipulaties van imago (2018).He is co-founder of the Leidse Werkgroep Retorica, and organizer of the second Rhetoric in Society Conference in Leiden  (2009). Together with Willem Koetsenruijter he wrote several research reports on local journalism in the Netherlands.
