Prof. Silviya Mineva Ph.D.

Prof. Silviya Mineva Ph.D.


Department of Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics
Sofia University

Dr. Silviya Mineva is Professor of Ethics

 Current Positions—Administrative
September 2008 – present
Head of Department of Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics
Sofia University

Professional affiliations and associated activities

President of Association of University Teachers of Philosophy in Bulgaria

September 2008 – present

Editor in chief of E-magazine Virtual Culture
August 2009 -present

Areas of research: applied and work ethics, modern and postmodern ethics

Selected publications


Postmodern Discourses of Ethics2 [in Bulgarian], Projectoria, 7.10.2013 г.

Postmodern Discourses of Ethics [in Bulgarian], Veliko Tarnovo, Faber, 2007, 152 pp.ISBN 978-954-775-774-5

The Amoral [in Bulgarian], Sofia, Kota, 2002, 159 pp. ISBN 954-9584-53-4

Journal articles

2012: Professionalism is a Humanism, Sofia Philosophical Review Vol. VI, No. 1, 2012 ISSN 1313-275X

2010: Humanitarian Educationina Master’s degreethrough Interactive Forms and Methods, Littera et Lingua, Summer 2010, ISSN 1312-6172

2007: IDENTITY, OTHERNESS, AND THEIR POSTMODERN ETHICAL DISCOURSE /European Journal of Science and Theology ISSN 1841-0464/


2012: Prolegomena to Any Philosophical Cyber- anthropology [in Bulgarian], Philosophical Studies of Virtual Culture, Book ІІ, Sofia, Ed. By Bulgarian Society for Multimedia Arts, ISSN 1313 9975

2011: [Ed.with Krylova S./Hamitov N./, Rozova T./Lyuty T.]: ThePhilosophical Anthropology. The dictionary, [in Russian], p.61-67, 290-291, 421-424, Kiev, CST, ISBN 978-966-373-668 – 6

2010: The virtualculture andher philosophy, [in Bulgarian], PhilosophicalStudiesofvirtualculture, Book І, Sofia,Ed. By Bulgarian Society for Multimedia Arts, ISSN 1313 9975

2009: [Ed.withHamitovN./.Krylova St]: Ethics and aesthetics. Dictionaryof key terms[in Russian], Kiev, КNТ, ISBN 978–966-373-522-1

Works in collections

2008: About discourse of otherness: Difference, Foreignness, Transcendence, [in Bulgarian], In: Philosophy and Esoteric, Proceedings, IM„NeophyteRilski“,Blagoevgrad, ISBN 978-954-680-565-2

2007: Phenomena of Death and Dyingand their Bioethical Discourse, In:Ethics inBulgarian Healthcare, Press, ISBN 978-954-9487-26-8

Postal address

Faculty of Philosophy
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
15 „Tsar Osvoboditel“ Blvd.
1504 Sofia

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