Special Issue
Prof.PhD Maria Stoicheva, Prof. Doc. Hab. Ivanka Mavrodieva, Assist. prof. PhD NikolinaTsvetkova.
Communication, Internet Communication and Netizens
Ronda Hauben – Considerations on the Significance of the Net and the Netizens
Ronda Hauben – Ban Ki-moon’s Idea of Leadership or the Candlelight Model for More Democracy?
European Identity: Articles and Essays
Maria Stoicheva – Political, cultural and linguistic challenges of European identity
Gilles Rouet – Boundaries and identities
Galina Rousseva-Sokolova – Europe, seen from India
- Robin Laurène – Identity-proof mobility. Reflection on identity change in the context of Erasmus mobility
- Georgi Dragomanov – The (lack of) participation in the European elections of 2014 in Bulgaria – a matter of inherent political culture or a systematic failure?
- Franzi Prost – European Identitiy:Analyzing European Identity and commenting on Habermas’ paper “Why Europe needs a constitution”
- Louise Toulotte – European Identity. Independence and globalization
- Maximilian L. Berkenheide – The concept of European Identity in: “February 15, or What Binds Europeans Together: A Plea for a Common Foreign Policy, Beginning in the Core of Europe” by Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida
- Iveta Trifonova – Spanish identity: the Catalan case of personal identification
- Marta Siurek – Global, national and ethnic identities. European identity – an empty concept or a possible dream?
- Ralena Gerasimova – Religious identity in Bulgaria during the communist regime. The case of Orthodox Christianity and Islam
- Anna Angelova – Looking into Bulgaria from the outside: the so-called “stereotypes”. Can we trust them?
Scientific events
4th ESTIDIA Conference “Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication”, 29-30 September 2017, Sofia, Sofia University, Bulgaria
EUROMEC Summer school 2017, Third Jean Monnet Summer School for PhD students, “Identities in urban contexts: the European multilingual city”, 10-15 July, Dublin, Ireland
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 27, март 2017 г., https://rhetoric.bg/
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 27, March 2017, http://journal.rhetoric.bg/