Language Corpora as Data Base and Verification Tool for Cognitive Linguistic Research

Svitlana Lyubymova

The Department of Foreign Languages,

National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine


Abstract. The work presents a corpus analysis carried out within the framework of cognitive linguistics. The application of corpus analysis in the study of language representation of a sociocultural phenomenon was chosen in relation to the objectives to verify a hypothesis about the phenomenon’s stereotypic and symbolic nature and to trace its evolution in culture. The paper gives a general classification of corpora, briefly describes the corpus approach and corpus-application techniques in cognitive linguistics research. Our study of sociocultural stereotypes as reflected in the corpora data is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the lexical representation of stereotypes. The results are formalized in distribution patterns and frequency tables showing categorical features of these stereotypes and the alterations in its cognitive structure since its emergence. The acquired results and implemented hybrid approach to the study of cognitive characteristics of linguistically represented stereotypes might provide important support for researchers interested in studying the cognitive nature of linguistic phenomena.

Key words: corpus analysis, cognitive linguistics, sociocultural stereotypes, collocation, context, distribution, frequency, assessment.

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Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 38, януари 2019 г.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, Issue 38, January 2019